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Final Consumer Barrier Survey Report 10.28.24.png

Assessing Barriers to Achieving Good Oral Health for Connecticut Residents report is based on a survey study conducted in 2023-2024 by the Connecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI). The report examines consumer oral health by exploring individual perspectives on barriers to treatment, maintenance of good oral hygiene, and the impact of the type of insurance on the achievement of good oral health across ethnic/racial and income groups. 

The study utilized survey data from a widely representative sample (700+) of consumers of oral health care spread across 91 different communities throughout the State of Connecticut enrolled in Medicaid, private insurance, or with no insurance at the time of the survey. 


The survey study sought to answer three main questions: â€‹â€‹


  • What are the most common barriers to dental treatment faced by CT residents and are they associated with the type of insurance they have?

  • Does the type of insurance (Medicaid, private, or none at all) make a difference in oral health treatment access and oral hygiene behaviors and perception?

  • How do ethnicity and income interact with type of insurance, oral health treatment access, and oral hygiene behaviors to illustrate inequities in treatment, barriers to care, and oral health?

The results of the study show numerous difficulties lower-income individuals enrolled in Medicaid or without insurance face in achieving good oral health. These include a higher percentage of fear of going to the dentist, inconvenience of regular dental office hours, and less than recommended brushing and flossing habits.  Policy recommendations are offered to improve current areas of concern.  

The Connecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI) would like to thank the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health for funding this project, our Board of Directors for their support, and the staff and volunteers who contributed. We would also like to thank the community partners and oral health providers who assisted with creating this report.

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